Friday, September 21, 2012

Season Prep

With Early duck season barely a thought on my mind, Bow season still sits predominantly on my mind.  My clothes now sit sorted in my basement ready for its first fresh earth wash of the year. My broad heads are tuned as am I.
I spent most of my summer besides working and scouting shooting several times a week, either in my basement or out at the local archery club. I became one with my bow as I hope to with each bow I pick up. We reach a certain comfort level with our bows and a confidence is a must among instinctive archers.
How each hunter prepares for the fall is unique, we prepare mentally different and physically different. I work out my body and do cardio to prepare for the long hikes and hopefully a long drag or two also. I shoot my bow often for my pulling shoulder doesn't weaken and my mind stays sharp. We scout by either using trail cameras and spending hours glassing fields near the timbers we hunt, hoping for a glimpse of a true Iowa giant. We set stands in ambush points along trails from knowledge gained from pervious years and this years scouting. we prepare for a moment that could unfold or maybe never get that chance at that buck, its that is can mentally break or make a hunter. I have had both unfold before me, a large buck coming up my trail to only take that path that i had not seen. With that said we must prepare mentally and physically each fall for a new chance to learn, grow and be successful.

Shooting stick bows is truly 98% mental and 2% physical. I once read a article that states and I do believe a Arrow tells no lie. It states the arrow flies as how our mental state sits. If our minds are else were and distracted our arrows will fly off target like our minds, but if we are happy and focused on the task at hand our arrows shall fly where we aiming. So the next time you shoot, clear your mind from the stress at work and even at home, Become one with the bow and the arrow.

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