Friday, September 7, 2012

Teriyaki Dove Tacos with Caramelized Onions

Well, today wrapped up the first week of dove season in Iowa. It has been a great week, so far the tally for me is at 43 doves, I believe Mitchell is sitting around the same number, and quite a few more shotgun shells were spent. One the things I am often asked is "How could you kill an animal?" Let me be clear, not only do I enjoy the hunt itself -- the planning, the strategy and the skill involved -- but I also really enjoy eating wild game. I do not harvest anything with out a plan for using it, either for my own consumption, for friends or for donation to the Iowa DNR H.U.S.H. program.

One of the things I would really like to use this blog for, is to share some of my favorite recipes with you, and maybe even get a couple back in return.

The first recipe I plan to share is something I cobbled together last year when looking for alternatives ways for cooking duck, as it turns out, dove suit this recipe just as well.

Please follow the link below to check out the full recipe and let me know what you think!

Teriyaki Dove Tacos with Caramelized Onions.

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